Do you ever find yourself sitting at your computer on a surprisingly chilly Friday in May, weather for which you find yourself a tab bit underdressed, fighting that overwhelming urge to discontinue writing that textbook since your manager is in Atlantic city, staring at the computer screen, listening to some idie-rock one hit wonder from 1995, thinking of how you could and should be so productive since you made your own goddamn deadline...and the book really needs to be published...and suddenly the air conditioning clicks on and you think what would Greg do?
Yeah, me too.
Yeah, me too.
isn't it cool how greg is the type of person that makes you think, "what would greg do?" dude, he could be the next religious figure. i've got dibs on WWGD t-shirts.
OMG! Brillinace! We could have Brian make t-shirts bearing Greg's image!
OMG OMG! Do you think we could sell them for 15,000 a pop on ebay?
totally! let's start the cult of greg.
I think the cult of J would be better. They already have shirts that say WWJD. We could just hijack them and scratch out the "esus" part.
LOL gNat
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